There are outdoor ovens that burn wood and then there are artisan-built wood-fired ovens, which benefit from the experience of generations of Italian craftsmen and oven designers.  You will find many ovens falling under the first of these descriptions.  You will find virtually none under the latter, unless you come to Orchard Ovens and choose Valoriani.

Our world-renowned wood-fired ovens have never been surpassed and do not need to rely on fallible tricks or micro-mesh technology. They are simply designed to perfection and constructed from the very finest firebrick to be found. This firebrick is formed of unique clay, containing exactly the right amount of alumina to make firing up the oven a breeze.

This is one reason why any one of our authentic Italian wood-fired ovens will stand head and shoulders above any other choice, if included in an outdoor or indoor kitchen design, or at the heart of a garden oven build.  Another is the depth of its cooking floor – to an industry-leading level.

Unrivalled Wood Oven Heritage

We also pride ourselves on being the sole supplier of ovens from a manufacturer that creates its own oven floors in-house, to a unique and secret formula – enabling us to have yet another differentiator to enable us to stand apart.  Then, there is the amount of insulation built into its design – something which enhances your cooking performance but also keeps you safe.

Our artisan-built ovens simply understand the cooking process inside out and have been created to help Italians do what they do best – turning out mouth-watering dishes, devoured and never forgotten.  They are not there just for show, but will certainly put one on. They allow you to deliver the true taste of the Mediterranean, in your garden or at the heart of your indoor or outdoor kitchen.

And, should you really not be confident with cooking with wood, or want the flexibility of being able to cook with gas, we can offer you the option of a dual-fuel model.

Of course, for that very first party with your oven, you can always hire one of our expert chefs, who can also help ease you into life as an Orchard Ovens oven owner.

outdoor kitchen and oven

I have one of your Wood fired ovens which takes pride of place in my garden. It’s one of the best investments I have ever made. It makes the best pizzas you have ever eaten but is so versatile that it can be used for almost anything…

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