Pizza and Beer at the Heart of Your Outdoor Kitchen

Nights may be drawing in and temperatures dropping, but it doesn’t mean the inevitable death knell of alfresco dining for the year.  With an outdoor kitchen, you can keep the outdoors fun going throughout the year, especially if you incorporate a heat-generating wood-fired oven into your design.

Whilst some may feel that the initial investment required for an outdoor kitchen is big, just consider the many hours of fun, entertaining and togetherness you could enjoy.  Can you put a price on that?

Pizza and Beer

October 9 is International Beer and Pizza Day for very good reason; the two go together perfectly.  This is just one autumnal event that could be part of your outdoor entertaining calendar.  It’s an excellent time to invite people over for some outdoor socialising and basing this around a woodburning oven simply adds to the engagement.

Everybody can get involved, with hands-on activities ranging from pizza dough making and stretching and adding the pizza toppings, to manoeuvring the wood around the wood-fired oven and managing the real-flame fire.

Of course, you can pop open a few cans of lager, as you await the pizza (or jacket potatoes, stews, roasties or anything else you fancy) coming out of the wood oven.  However, you could always have an outdoor kitchen with its own bar and beer tap!  Get someone to pour the pints and you’re well away!

Whilst you and your friends relax at the bar, keeping an eye on flames as you go, you can appreciate how the wood-fired oven can take the chill out of the air and make it comfortable to dine outside in the autumn.  Get a few blankets at the ready for that Hygge touch and, if you really want to make the most of the beer pumps, fix up some screens and stream your footie team’s match outside.  What more could you want?

Not all outdoor kitchens are created equal.

As when choosing an indoor kitchen, you need to consider the space you have for your outdoor one.  Also, what are your catering and entertaining needs and what pleases you aesthetically?  At Orchard Ovens we are always available to talk through your requirements and can create a bespoke outdoor kitchen plan to suit and exceed your expectations.  

It’s important to take time when making your decisions, as this is something you’re going to be using and enjoying for a long time to come.  As we’ve helped some of the world’s biggest names with their outdoor kitchen, we are confident of having the best advice on tap.

Getting started

When choosing your outdoor kitchen, the first step is the planning.  What do you want to include, what sort of things will you be cooking, which materials do you prefer? Do you want a bar or not?  What about a fridge?  Do you want equipment storage areas?  These are the sort of questions to ask yourself. The team at Orchard Ovens will understand your vision, needs and budget, then carry out a remote or in-person site visit.  We will work with you to create your dream outdoor cooking space and interpret exactly what you have in mind.

Once a site visit is completed, the project team take over and work their magic to create an environment that works for you, your family, and friends.  On completion, a handover inspection will take place, to ensure you are totally happy.  There will even be a mini coaching session, to check you are completely comfortable using everything in your new outdoor entertaining space.

Which oven?

Choosing the correct oven for your kitchen is vital.  Any Valoriani woodburning oven is a great addition to an outdoor kitchen.  Artisan-built in Tuscany, using the knowledge  and experience of generations of Italian craftspeople and designers working with the very finest refractory materials, it won’t let you or your outdoor kitchen down.  Any woodfired or gas-fired oven that you buy from us will allow you to deliver the true taste of the Mediterranean in your garden, or at the heart of your outdoor kitchen.

To find out more about outdoor kitchens, or to get more information about finding a kitchen to suit your lifestyle, visit or call us on 01772 250000.

On Key

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